Saturday, 22 February 2014

part :1 Scrum Introduction

 1.Scrum is framework for product development. 
 2.Scrum is framework for learning about work and process we used to do it. 
 Individuals and Interactions over processes and tools  
 Working Software over comprehensive documentation  
 Customer collaboration over contract negotiation  
 Responding to change over following a plan 
not a scrum   
             Requirement analysis  Design Code Integration  Test   Deploy   
 jan               *  
 feb               *  
 march                                  *  
 april                                     *  
  may                                           *  
  june                                           *  
  july                                                     *  
 aug                                                     *  
 sep                                                                 *    
 oct                                                                 *  
 nev                                                                          *  
 dec                                                                           * 
               Requirement analysis  Design Code Integration  Test   Deploy   
 sprint 1              *                     *      *         *           *       * (shippable product)  
 sprint 2              *                     *      *         *           *       * (shippable product)  
 sprint 3              *                     *      *         *           *       * (shippable product)  
 a.At the end of sprint product should be shippable.  
Scrum elements  
a.Product Owner  
   i.Responsible for Return on investment  
   ii.Final arbiter of requirement questions  
   iii.focused more on what than on how 
b.Scrum Development Team  
   i.Cross-functional group  
   ii. Attempts to build a potentially shippable product increment" every sprint.  
   iv.self-organizing .  
 Scrum development team size 4-9 people 
c. Scrum Master  
 a.has no management authority  
 b.Does not have project manager role  
 scrum master protect team from destraction and interruption.Teaches how to use scrum and promotes  
 best engineering practices.scrum master Enforces timeboxes. 
 Product backlog  
 Sprint backlog 
 Product backlog:  
 List of customer centric features are priorities by product owner.List of everything we might do,  
 if not in backlog it doesnot exist. Any one can add item to product backlog but it is priorities  
 by product owner and made visible by scrum master.  
                           high priority  low priority  
 product backlog item  
 product backlog item  
 product backlog item  
 product backlog item  
 product backlog item 
Sprint backlog : 
 What we have agreed to do during current sprint
 commited backlog       not started     in progress      completed  
product backlog item       task            task             task  
        what                               how 
Meetings in scrum  
 Four meetings in scrum 
 1.sprint planning meeting  
 2.daily scrum(daily, throughtout scrum)  
 3.sprint review meeting  
 4.spring retrospective meeting  
 not official name but  
 5.Backlog refinement meeting   
Two week plan  
               m          t w t f | m t            w            t               f  
 9am        <------------daily stand up meeting--------------------------------------->  
             sprint                                                       sprint review  
         planning meeting                                               meeting (2 hours)  
            (4 hours)  
                                          backlog refinement           sprint retrospective  
                                           meeting (2 hours)              meeting (2 hours)  
1.sprint planning meeting  
 The team and product owner negotiate which item should to commited to the sprint. Top priority  
 item is moved from product backlog to sprint backlog and break them into small tasks so that  
 they make clear about task what they are going to do. 
                 product backlog                  sprint backlog  
 high priority   product backlog item      product backlog item      not started  
 .                      pbi                .                         tasks  tasks  
 .                             .                                     tasks  tasks  
 low priority 
 2.daily scrum  
 a.once in a day for 15 minutes standup meeting  
 b.Meet is between scrup development team to report eachother not to scrum master or product owner.  
 c. keys to share  
   a. Look what i did yesterday  
   b. what im going to do today  
   c challenges faced, blocked me and overcomes. 
 3.sprint review meeting  
 a.Team demonstarates potentially shippable product to product owner and any one who interested,  
 sometimes stack holders.  
 b. product owner declares which item is done and item meets acceptance criteria. We will get  
 feedback from stack holders about product development. 
 4.sprint retrospective meeting  
 a.Sprint ends with spring retrospective meeting.  
       what went well        what could be improved  
 b.will give feedbacks to eachothers.  
 c.This is the key of whole thing, team eventually takes ownership of whole process.  
 d.retrospective meeting gives feedback about process, team uses to built a product.scrum is framework  
 for learning about product and processes we use to build. 
 5.Backlog refinement meeting or Backlog grooming  
 a.Team and product owner get together and look into product backlog items for next couple of sprints.  
 b.break big product backlog items into small backlog items.ex : user stories.  
 c.This meeting can also do with sprint planning meeting or else alone a separate meeting.